Helper 4Biz

Helper is an advanced omnichannel virtual assistant, powered by Artificial Intelligence – a revolutionary technology that is transforming the way businesses interact with their customers and suppliers. Using Helper, it is possible to foster efficient self-service, allowing interactions through the 4Biz platform with popular apps like WhatsApp, Twitter, or Facebook Messenger.

This assistant is particularly beneficial for companies looking to reduce service costs without compromising the quality of the service. It offers seamless integrations with legacy systems, allowing for incremental deployment adaptable to the company’s needs.

One of the major differentiators of chatbots developed with Helper is their flexibility. They can be easily adapted to operate in any sector, simply by providing the specific knowledge, structure, and appropriate message flow. This allows for the creation of customized virtual employees, capable of operating efficiently in different departments or sectors of the company.

The benefits of using Helper 4Biz are:

  • Assistentes virtuais omnichannel trabalhando 24/7/365;
  • Integração facilitada com software de terceiros, promovendo maior automação e resultados imediatos aos clientes;
  • Integração com o Builder/ESI (Enterprise Service Integration) facilitando a transformação digital;
  • Criação de vários chatbots de atendimento e automação para várias áreas da organização;
  • Rápida implantação, retorno mais rápido do investimento.

Prepare your business for the future!